Class 14

Ground Wrestling


Class 14 Ground Wrestling

Warmups: Backward break falls. Side break falls. Sitouts. 4 point sitout drill. High tripod on elbows to sitouts. Backstep reverse sitouts.

Part 1 - Double leg from knees to side control (XX:25)

Part 1.1: Double leg from knees to side control.

  1. Starting both on knees facing each other.

  2. Move forward and grab behind the knees with head on the right side.

  3. Step up with the right foot and find a good connection with your shoulder/trap.

  4. Push off and drive with the right foot sideways to take partner down.

  5. Finish with underhook and crossface.

Part 1.2: Double leg from standing to side control.

  1. Starting on feet facing each other. Left foot staggered forward.

  2. Change level below partners chestline.

  3. Take a step with left foot and place left knee on the ground between partner's feet.

  4. Grab behind the thighs with head on the right side and step right foot up as well.

  5. Use right foot to elevate and stand to step left foot across partner's body.

  6. Drive with head sideways to take partner down (break fall).

  7. Finish in side control with underhook and crossface.

Part 2 - Sitout to back vs front bodylock (XX:45)

Part 2.1: Basic sprawling hips against a double leg on the knees.

  1. Starting both on knees facing each other.

  2. *Partner shoots for double leg and grabs legs.*

  3. Sprawl hips moving feet backwards placing bodyweight on back of partner's shoulders with bodylock grip for balance to force hands to the mat.

Part 2.2: Failed double leg from bodylock sprawl, sit out to back bodylock, finish with back hooks in back control.

  1. Shoot for double leg on knees.

  2. *Opponent does a body lock sprawl forcing hands on the mat.*

  3. Come up to 4 point position with head in the centre of their chest.

  4. Sit out to the left, peeking head out to the left.

  5. Get initial back bodylock.

  6. Switch to seatbelt and drag partner down to take back with hooks in.

*Part 2.3: Double leg on the feet, sprawl then body lock sitout to back control.

  1. Starting on feet facing each other. Left foot staggered forward.

  2. Change level below partners chestline.

  3. Take a step with left foot and place left knee on the ground grabbing legs.

  4. *Opponent does a body lock sprawl forcing hands on the mat.*

  5. Come up to 4 point position with head in the centre of their chest.

  6. Sit out to the left, peeking head out to the left.

  7. Get initial back bodylock.

  8. Switch to seatbelt and drag partner down to take back with hooks in.


  • Starting on knees with double leg grip, both knees on the ground.

  • A-person (bottom) wins by stepping up and driving to get partner's shoulders to touch the mat. Can end up in side control or guard as long as shoulders hit the ground.

  • B-person (top) wins by sprawling to release grip on legs and retreating away.