Class 2

Halfguard Sweeping


Class 2 - Halfguard Sweeping

Warm up:

Part 1 - Coyote Guard to Undercut Sweep (XX:25)

Part 1.1 : Halfguard leg scoop to coyote guard.

  1. Initial underhook from halfguard

  2. Scoop leg to waist grip

  3. Feet inside and lever ankle

  4. Slide bottom leg & lock coyote guard.

Part 1.2: Undercut sweep from coyote guard

  1. Starting from coyote guard already

  2. Reverse hip escape to slide under to opposite hip

  3. Release legs and get on top

  4. Finish with leg lace control

* Part 1.3: Halfguard to coyote guard to undercut

  1. Starting in halfguard

  2. Transition to coyote guard (part 1.1)

  3. Perform undercut sweep (part 1.2)

  4. Finish with leg lace control

Part 2 - Failed Undercut Sweep to Dogfight Knee Tap (XX:43)

Part 2.1: Failed undercut to Dogfight Knee Tap

  1. Starting in coyote guard

  2. Attempt undercut - opponent shifts weight away

  3. Come up to knees for dogfight

  4. "Look" for knee and block

  5. Drive with legs and go behind to side control.

Part 2.2: Halfguard to coyote guard to undercut to knee tap

  1. Starting in halfguard

  2. Transition to coyote guard (part 1.1)

  3. Attempt undercut to dogfight knee tap (part 2.1)

* Part 2.3: Chaining dilemma undercut and dogfight

  • Starting from coyote guard play around to understand when to use undercut and when to go to dogfight based on partner's weight position.

* Part 2.4: Finishing with Maia pass to mount after knee tap

  1. Perform up to knee tap

  2. Slide through backside staple

  3. Bring top knee to their belly + swivel staple

  4. Go to mount (ignore the knee ride transitions)


  • Starting in halfguard with top person postured up

  • A: Looking for underhook and cross face and hold for 3s

  • B: Establish halfguard legscoop sweep and executing undercut/kneetap