Class 2
Halfguard Sweeping
Class 2 - Halfguard Sweeping
Warm up:
Part 1 - Coyote Guard to Undercut Sweep (XX:25)
Part 1.1 : Halfguard leg scoop to coyote guard.
Initial underhook from halfguard
Scoop leg to waist grip
Feet inside and lever ankle
Slide bottom leg & lock coyote guard.
Part 1.2: Undercut sweep from coyote guard
Starting from coyote guard already
Reverse hip escape to slide under to opposite hip
Release legs and get on top
Finish with leg lace control
* Part 1.3: Halfguard to coyote guard to undercut
Starting in halfguard
Transition to coyote guard (part 1.1)
Perform undercut sweep (part 1.2)
Finish with leg lace control
Part 2 - Failed Undercut Sweep to Dogfight Knee Tap (XX:43)
Part 2.1: Failed undercut to Dogfight Knee Tap
Starting in coyote guard
Attempt undercut - opponent shifts weight away
Come up to knees for dogfight
"Look" for knee and block
Drive with legs and go behind to side control.
Part 2.2: Halfguard to coyote guard to undercut to knee tap
Starting in halfguard
Transition to coyote guard (part 1.1)
Attempt undercut to dogfight knee tap (part 2.1)
* Part 2.3: Chaining dilemma undercut and dogfight
Starting from coyote guard play around to understand when to use undercut and when to go to dogfight based on partner's weight position.
* Part 2.4: Finishing with Maia pass to mount after knee tap
Perform up to knee tap
Slide through backside staple
Bring top knee to their belly + swivel staple
Go to mount (ignore the knee ride transitions)
Starting in halfguard with top person postured up
A: Looking for underhook and cross face and hold for 3s
B: Establish halfguard legscoop sweep and executing undercut/kneetap