Class 5

Basic Movement Drills


Class 5 Basic Movement Drills

No warmups. Sit-outs and Backsteps.

Part 1 - Top control drill (XX:22)

Part 1.1: Side control to side control

  1. Starting with arms at 10-4

  2. Switch arms to 8-2

  3. Sitout facing head (resting on elbow)

  4. Stepover to north south (arms by sides)

  5. Backstep to other sitout position (facing head)

  6. Square up arms at 10-4

  7. Switch arms to 8-2

Part 1.2: Second Side control to Mount/dismount

  1. Starting from second side control arms at 8-2

  2. Sitout facing legs (resting on elbow)

  3. Control knee and step over body

  4. Square up on mount, arms at 10-2

  5. Left elbow down at 2 and backstep

  6. Square up with arms at 10-4

* Part 1.3: Top control drill in both directions

  1. Clockwise back to start position.

  2. Anti-clockwise back to start position.

Part 2 - Mount to back drill (XX:43)

Part 2.1: Maintaining mount vs bridging

  1. Bridge control to left

  2. Bridge control to right

  3. Bridge control north

Part 2.2: Transitioning from mount to side mount

  1. Turning to the left to side mount control

  2. Laying flat to normal mount (hands 10-2)

  3. Turning to the right to side mount control

Part 2.3: Side mount to hooks in back control

  1. Lower chin over shoulder with seatbelt control

  2. Fall to opposite side rolling from hip to hip

  3. Establish both hooks and tight seatbelt control

* Part 2.4: Chaining it all together

  1. Bridge control (part 2.1)

  2. Side mount control (part 2.2)

  3. Hooks in back control (part 2.3)


  • Starting from side control arms at 8-2

  • A-person (bottom) has to trap a leg (halfguard) or body (closed guard)

  • B-person (top) avoid guard and get mount or back control