Chapter 1: Who Am I?


In this chapter, you'll begin answering the first big question - Who Am I?' - by exploring 'Connection Mindset. More specifically, how you connect with yourself before you connect with others.

You'll focus on the 'Human Being' more than the 'Human Doing', learn to accept and celebrate your authentic self, and let go of what others think of you or expect you to be. You'll figure out that your life story is not your life it’s just your story, and you're the author!

As such, you'll draw and reflect on key moments in your life. You might discover times when you've unconsciously told yourself you were "not (something) enough". By reframing these moments you'll begin telling yourself a different story, one that says "I am enough".

By reframing negative stories into more positive, affirmative-based ones, you'll see it's our decisions (not the conditions) that determine our mindset, attitude, and self-worth. Through this self-acceptance, you'll develop a self-confidence, and that's when you'll get closer to answering Who Am I?'


Chapter 1 Exercises

  1. Earliest Happiest Memory

  2. My Life Story

  3. Making Sense Of My Life Story

  4. Identifying My Not Enoughness

  5. Create My Mojo Mantras

  6. My Inner Critic vs My Inner Fan

  7. I Am…